Dojo Toolkit JavaScript library
Dojo is a set of client-side JavaScript tools that help you build better web applications. Dojo blurs the line between local, native applications and browser based applications; the browser becomes the user interface platform. Modern browsers provide an incomplete, inconvenient, and incompatible programming environment, but Dojo eliminates these problems.
Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library (or more specifically JavaScript toolkit) designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites.
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Dojo Features:
- Asynchronous communication
- Packaging system
- Client-side data storage
- Server-side data storage
- Support for Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
- DOM unextended
- XMLHTTPRequest data retrieval
- JSON data retrieval
- Server push data retrieval
- XML, HTML, CSV, ATOM data retrieval
- Drag and drop
- Simple visual effects
- Animation / advanced visual effects
- Event handling
- Back button support / history management
- Input form widgets & validation
- Grid
- Hierarchical Tree
- Rich text editor
- Autocompletion tools
- HTML generation tools
- Widgets themeable / skinnable
- GUI resizable panels and modal dialogs
- GUI page layout
- Accessibility / graceful degradation
- ARIA compliant
- Developer tools
- Cross-browser 2d Vector Graphics
- Charting & Dashboard
Open Souce Dojo Information:
- Applies To: JavaScript Library, Javascript Framework, Interactive Web Applications, Ajax, DHTML and DOM scripting
- Programming Language: JavaScript
- License: BSD License, Academic Free License