FastDownload - command line multi-threaded segmented download tool
FastDownload - command line multi-threaded segmented download tool
FastDownload - command line multi-threaded segmented download tool
FastDownload is a command line download tool for windows. It uses Multi-threaded Segmented download technique, supports various protocols. FastDownload is a freeware without any adware or spyware. FastDownload can increase download speed from 3-10 times.
FastDownload - command line multi-threaded segmented download tool
FastDownload is a command-line downloader for Windows environments. This tool is portable, you can put it on your USB memory stick and run it anywhere you go, no installation required. It is very powerful and versatile and can match some of the best graphical downloaders around today. It has features such as multiple downloads, multiple protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP), bandwidth control, handle authentication, and much more.
Non-interactiveness FastDownload is non-interactive in the sense that, once started, it does not require user interaction and does not need to control a TTY, being able to redirect standard output to log its progress to a separate file for later inspection. That way the user can start FastDownload and leaving the program unattended. By contrast, most graphical or text user interface web browsers require the user to remain logged in and to manually restart failed downloads, which can be a great hindrance when transferring a lot of data.
Multiple simultaneous file downloads
Able to set download speed limit to avoid using all your bandwidth
Support for FTP site that requires authentication
Download from authenticated HTTP URLs
Import URLs from external text file (URLs separated by new line, one URL in each line)
Support multiple protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP)
How To Use the FastDownload Tool
Download, and then unzip the files to your hard disk.
Open windows command interpreter (cmd.exe).
Run command line tool by typing the name C:\DownloadFolder>FastDownload.exe
Provide login information and download file video.avi
FastDownload.exe -f c:\data\list.txt -s c:\temp
Get download file list from external file c:\data\list.txt and
download all the files to c:\temp folder.
Software version and platform information
Build Year: 2009
Development Status : Beta
Operating System : Windows .Net 2.0
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Intended Audience : Advanced End Users, End Users, System Administrators, System Developers, Command Line Tools, Command-line downloader, Multi-threaded Segmented download, Fast FTP download, Authenticated download, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP
Download This Systems and Networking Free Software.
Download materials for this article (Systems and Networking - Free Software) File size: 29 KB, File type: zip Total downloads: 793, Upload date: July 24 - 2009
Islam Adel :: September 13-2009 :: 10:04 PM
nice tool but needs many improvements:
1. ability to specify the number of segments to download 2. ability to continue a previous started download. 3. show download status in window title 4. set download time out
Kot :: October 01-2009 :: 06:21 PM
Very valuable tool!
Some suggestions: - let "save as name" for urls to be defined directly in external file with urls to download individually for every url - let to control number of simultaneous downloads and time shift for start of every next file