Chaos bifurcation diagram generator
This program helps to study the behavior of logistic equation in chaos theory by creating bifurcation diagram for given parameters.
Chaos bifurcation diagram generator
Chaos theory involves the study of how complicated behavior can arise in systems which are based on simple rules, and how minute changes in the input of a system can lead to large differences in the output. This program helps to study the behavior of logistic equation in chaos theory. Simply set the starting point, end point, step value and initial value to generate bifurcation diagram for the window you select.
Software version and platform information
- Version: 1.0
- Build Year: 2002
- Platform: Windows (Win32)
- Software Written In: Borland Delphi
Screenshots for - Chaos bifurcation diagram generator
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Total downloads: 947, Upload date: February 09 - 2009
hulong :: June 23-2009 :: 08:45 AM
I want to test the software.Thank you.
chittaranjanhens :: July 15-2009 :: 10:33 AM
I want to test  the software for observing bifurationÂ
hamed :: September 30-2009 :: 03:07 PM
I want to test  the software for observing bifuration
swati :: May 11-2010 :: 09:22 AM
hello sir i need above mension software
randhir :: January 28-2011 :: 11:15 AM
I want to test the software.Thank you.