Create various gradients effects
This tutorial shows how to create various gradients effects like sin wave, neon colors and much more.
Create various gradients effects
Following procedure draw rainbow gradient at startup. Within that you will see another procedure call DrawLine. It will draw single 1 pixel width line look like a color gradient. What the main procedure does is call DrawLine procedure and change it starting position.
01 | procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
02 |
03 | { Draw 1 pixcel width line } |
04 | procedure DrawLine(X,Y,H,L: Integer ; Step: Real ); |
05 | Var |
06 | R, C : Integer ; |
07 | Begin |
08 | For R:= 0 To H Do |
09 | Begin |
10 | { Change fill color } |
11 | If R<=L Then |
12 | Begin |
13 | C:=Round(R*Step); |
14 | { Red -> Green } |
15 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 255 -C,C, 0 ) |
16 | End |
17 | Else If R<= 2 *L Then |
18 | Begin |
19 | C:=Round((R-L)*Step); |
20 | { Green -> Blue } |
21 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 0 , 255 -C,C) |
22 | End |
23 | Else If R<= 3 *L Then |
24 | Begin |
25 | C:=Round((R- 2 *L)*Step); |
26 | { Blue -> Yellow } |
27 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB(C,C, 255 -C); |
28 | End ; |
29 | { Fill area by drawing lines } |
30 | Image1 . Canvas . MoveTo(X,Y+R); |
31 | Image1 . Canvas . LineTo(X+ 1 ,Y+R); |
32 | End ; |
33 |
34 | End ; |
35 |
36 | Var |
37 | Angle, X, Y, H, H2, W, L : Integer ; |
38 | Step : Real ; |
39 | begin |
40 | { Get form size } |
41 | H:=Image1 . Height; |
42 | W:=Image1 . Width; |
43 |
44 | { Fill image area by form color } |
45 | Image1 . Canvas . Brush . Color:=Form1 . Color; |
46 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=Form1 . Color; |
47 | Image1 . Canvas . Rectangle( 0 , 0 ,W,H); |
48 |
49 |
50 | { Set fill size } |
51 | H2:= 150 ; |
52 | L:=H2 Div 3 ; |
53 |
54 | { Set fill step size } |
55 | Step:= 255 /L; |
56 | Angle:= 0 ; |
57 | For X:= 1 to W Do |
58 | Begin |
59 | Y:=Round( 100 *Sin(Angle*(Pi/ 180 ))); |
60 | DrawLine(X,(H Div 3 )-Y,H2,L,Step); |
61 | Inc(Angle); |
62 | If Angle> 360 Then Angle:= 0 ; |
63 | End ; |
64 | end ; |
This one draws rainbow gradient as a sin wave form. This one uses similar technique as previous one, but uses only two colors in black background.
01 | procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
02 |
03 | { Draw 1 pixcel width line } |
04 | procedure DrawLine(X,Y,H: Integer ; Step: Real ); |
05 | Var |
06 | R, C : Integer ; |
07 | Begin |
08 | For R:= 0 To H Do |
09 | Begin |
10 | { Change fill color } |
11 | C:=Round(R*Step); |
12 | { Red -> Green } |
13 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 255 -C,C, 0 ); |
14 |
15 | { Fill area by drawing lines } |
16 | Image1 . Canvas . MoveTo(X,Y+R); |
17 | Image1 . Canvas . LineTo(X+ 1 ,Y+R); |
18 | End ; |
19 |
20 | End ; |
21 |
22 | Var |
23 | Angle, X, Y, H, H2, W : Integer ; |
24 | Step : Real ; |
25 | begin |
26 | { Get form size } |
27 | H:=Image1 . Height; |
28 | W:=Image1 . Width; |
29 |
30 | { Fill image area by form color } |
31 | Image1 . Canvas . Brush . Color:=clBlack; |
32 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=clBlack; |
33 | Image1 . Canvas . Rectangle( 0 , 0 ,W,H); |
34 |
35 |
36 | { Set fill size } |
37 | H2:= 150 ; |
38 |
39 | { Set fill step size } |
40 | Step:= 255 /H2; |
41 | Angle:= 0 ; |
42 | For X:= 1 to W Do |
43 | Begin |
44 | Y:=Round( 100 *Sin(Angle*(Pi/ 180 ))); |
45 | DrawLine(X,(H Div 3 )-Y,H2,Step); |
46 | Inc(Angle); |
47 | If Angle> 360 Then Angle:= 0 ; |
48 | End ; |
49 | end ; |
This one draws a sin form in neon color form.
01 | procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
02 |
03 | { Draw 1 pixcel width line } |
04 | procedure DrawLine(X,Y,H,L: Integer ; Step: Real ); |
05 | Var |
06 | R, C : Integer ; |
07 | Begin |
08 | For R:= 0 To H Do |
09 | Begin |
10 | { Change fill color } |
11 | If R<=L Then |
12 | Begin |
13 | C:=Round(R*Step); |
14 | { Black -> Red } |
15 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB(C, 0 , 0 ) |
16 | End |
17 | Else If R<= 2 *L Then |
18 | Begin |
19 | C:=Round((R-L)*Step); |
20 | { Red -> Black } |
21 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 255 -C, 0 , 0 ) |
22 | End ; |
23 | { Fill area by drawing lines } |
24 | Image1 . Canvas . MoveTo(X,Y+R); |
25 | Image1 . Canvas . LineTo(X+ 1 ,Y+R); |
26 | End ; |
27 |
28 | End ; |
29 |
30 | Var |
31 | Angle, X, Y, H, H2, W, L : Integer ; |
32 | Step : Real ; |
33 | begin |
34 | { Get form size } |
35 | H:=Image1 . Height; |
36 | W:=Image1 . Width; |
37 |
38 | { Fill image area by form color } |
39 | Image1 . Canvas . Brush . Color:=clBlack; |
40 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=clBlack; |
41 | Image1 . Canvas . Rectangle( 0 , 0 ,W,H); |
42 |
43 |
44 | { Set fill size } |
45 | H2:= 150 ; |
46 | L:=H2 Div 2 ; |
47 |
48 | { Set fill step size } |
49 | Step:= 255 /L; |
50 | Angle:= 0 ; |
51 | For X:= 1 to W Do |
52 | Begin |
53 | Y:=Round( 100 *Sin(Angle*(Pi/ 180 ))); |
54 | DrawLine(X,(H Div 3 )-Y,H2,L,Step); |
55 | Inc(Angle); |
56 | If Angle> 360 Then Angle:= 0 ; |
57 | End ; |
58 | end ; |
This one draws neon looking horizontal color gradients using three basic colors.
01 | procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
02 |
03 | { Draw 1 pixcel width line } |
04 | procedure DrawLine(W,Y,H,L,RGBV: Integer ; Step: Real ); |
05 | Var |
06 | R, C : Integer ; |
07 | Begin |
08 | For R:= 0 To H Do |
09 | Begin |
10 | { Change fill color } |
11 | If R<=L Then |
12 | Begin |
13 | C:=Round(R*Step); |
14 | Case RGBV Of |
15 | 1 :Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB(C, 0 , 0 ); |
16 | 2 :Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 0 ,C, 0 ); |
17 | 3 :Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 0 , 0 ,C); |
18 | End ; |
19 | End |
20 | Else If R<= 2 *L Then |
21 | Begin |
22 | C:=Round((R-L)*Step); |
23 | Case RGBV Of |
24 | 1 :Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 255 -C, 0 , 0 ); |
25 | 2 :Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 0 , 255 -C, 0 ); |
26 | 3 :Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=RGB( 0 , 0 , 255 -C); |
27 | End ; |
28 | End ; |
29 | { Fill area by drawing lines } |
30 | Image1 . Canvas . MoveTo( 0 ,Y+R); |
31 | Image1 . Canvas . LineTo(W,Y+R); |
32 | End ; |
33 |
34 | End ; |
35 |
36 | Var |
37 | Row, X, Y, H, H2, W, L : Integer ; |
38 | Step : Real ; |
39 | begin |
40 | { Get form size } |
41 | H:=Image1 . Height; |
42 | W:=Image1 . Width; |
43 |
44 | { Fill image area by form color } |
45 | Image1 . Canvas . Brush . Color:=clBlack; |
46 | Image1 . Canvas . Pen . Color:=clBlack; |
47 | Image1 . Canvas . Rectangle( 0 , 0 ,W,H); |
48 |
49 |
50 | { Set fill size } |
51 | H2:= 100 ; |
52 | L:=H2 Div 2 ; |
53 |
54 | { Set fill step size } |
55 | Step:= 255 /L; |
56 | For Row:= 1 To 3 Do |
57 | Begin |
58 | Y:=(Row- 1 )* 150 ; |
59 | DrawLine(W,Y,H2,L,Row,Step); |
60 | End ; |
61 | end ; |
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Akura :: January 27-2010 :: 11:43 AM
Awesome tip!
tom philip :: August 16-2010 :: 02:06 AM
Good Thing! if use bezier will better!