Demonstrates how to use CheckBox in Delphi
Demonstrates how to use CheckBox in Delphi
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Demonstrates how to use CheckBox in Delphi
This example demonstrates how to use CheckBox in Delphi.

Update button - on click event.
01 | procedure TForm1 . Button1Click(Sender: TObject); |
04 | Panel1 . Font . Style:=[]; |
07 | if CheckBox1 . Checked Then |
08 | Panel1 . Font . Style:=Panel1 . Font . Style+[fsBold] |
10 | Panel1 . Font . Style:=Panel1 . Font . Style-[fsBold]; |
13 | if CheckBox2 . Checked Then |
14 | Panel1 . Font . Style:=Panel1 . Font . Style+[fsItalic] |
16 | Panel1 . Font . Style:=Panel1 . Font . Style-[fsItalic]; |
19 | if CheckBox3 . Checked Then |
20 | Panel1 . Font . Style:=Panel1 . Font . Style+[fsUnderline] |
22 | Panel1 . Font . Style:=Panel1 . Font . Style-[fsUnderline]; |
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andy :: May 27-2010 :: 05:42 AM
can u tell me how to use itu for link to other form?