Demonstrates how to use WHILE loop in Delphi
Simple Borland Delphi tutorial demonstrate how to do WHILE LOOP. Simple form button click event run the WHILE LOOP.
Demonstrates how to use WHILE loop in Delphi
This example demonstrates how to use WHILE loop in Delphi.
Click RUN button to execute the REPEAT-UNTIL loop.
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); Var V1, V2 : Variant; N1, N2, Count : Integer; begin { Clear the memo before adding numbers } Memo1.Lines.Clear; V1:=Edit1.Text; V2:=Edit2.Text; { Convert variant to integers } N1:=Integer(V1); N2:=Integer(V2); { Set Count to a starting No. } Count:=N1; { Use While loop to add numbers to memo } While Count<=N2 Do Begin Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(Count)); { Increase the count variable 1 by 1 } Inc(Count); End; end;
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Ayan Chattopadhyay :: May 29-2009 :: 01:03 PM
I have to work on delphi it ll be very much helpfull if a get something usefull out of it.Â