Draw spiral
Simple spiral graphic generation tutorial. Demonstrate how to create mathematical procedure to create spirals on form.
Draw spiral
This tutorial use one mathematical procedure calls SprialDraw to generate spiral. It uses some trigonometric functions for calculation and some rounding and truncations. To draw the spiral it uses canvas LineTo and MoveTo functions.
Use following ButtonClick event to draw spiral.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Procedure SpiralDraw(Count:Integer); var cs, co, sn, si, cx, cy, x, y, ad, sf, xo: real; Counter:Integer; j, i: byte; xp, yp, color: Integer; begin cs := Cos(pi / 3); co := Cos(pi / 36); sn := Sin(pi / 3); si := Sin(pi / 36); cx := Round(Form1.Width/2); cy := Round(Form1.Height/2); ad := 1.16; sf := 1.06; Color:=20200; Counter:=0; xp := trunc(cx + 12 * ad); yp := trunc(cy + 0); Form1.Canvas.MoveTo(Xp,Yp); repeat Inc(Counter); x := 12; y := 0; For j := 0 to 70 do begin For i := 0 to 6 do begin Form1.Canvas.Pen.Color:=Color; Color:=Color+1; xp := trunc(cx + x * ad); yp := trunc(cy + y); If (i = 0) Then Form1.Canvas.MoveTo(xp, yp); Form1.Canvas.LineTo(xp, yp); xo := x * cs - y * sn; y := x * sn + y * cs; x := xo; End; xo := sf * (x * co - y * si); y := sf * (x * si + y * co); x := xo; End; until Counter>Count; End; begin SpiralDraw(500); end;
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