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Whats new in Cryptography and Security Free Software

Cryptography and Security

  • Portable Encryption Utility. Portable encryption utility allows you to securely carry your passwords in pen-drive, store in desktop computer or transfer over the internet. Don't let someone steal your confidential details; protect your information using this nice tool PortableEncryption.

Cryptography and Security

    Whats new in Database Free Software


    • SQL Preview and Export Tool. The SQL Preview/Export Tool is a light-weight, portable, specially designed for data export from most popular databases without having to launch the database-specific administrative clients or tools. Export your data to most popular data formats, including MS Excel, HTML, CSV, SQL and more.
    • Crystal Report Preview tool. Crystal Reports Preview tool provide a solution that allows people to view your Crystal Reports and process against live data. Crystal Reports Preview tool supports most versions of Crystal Reports that are commonly used.
    • MySQL backup solution for Microsoft Windows. Easy to use MySQL backup solution for Microsoft Windows. MySQLWinBackup is portable easy to use simple database backup application which can run in windows operating systems.


    • Database Connection String Tester. Connection String Tester provide great flexible connectivity testing solutions through the .Net for the most popular databases, including Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres, Firebird, and SQLite.
    • Execute simple SQL on MS Access Database. This small piece of program helps you to learn SQL using MS Access Database. Select the database and type your SQL command and it will do the rest.
    • Simple database administration tool. This (DBTool) database administrative tool uses ODBC/ADO to connect to any given database. This easy to use tool has many features, export your data to MS Excel, MS Word or Text file, Run custom quarries, execute SQL commands, get table structure information, and many more.

    Whats new in Scientific Free Software


    • Wave to Text Converter. This program convert windows WAV file into text data file. So you can use that numbers to analyze the sound spectrum. And also this can plot the sound waves.
    • Chaos bifurcation diagram generator. This program helps to study the behavior of logistic equation in chaos theory by creating bifurcation diagram for given parameters.


    Whats new in Systems and Networking Free Software

    Systems and Networking

    Systems and Networking

    Whats new in Webmaster Tools Free Software

    Webmaster Tools

    • Convert Sentence Case. Accidentally left the caps lock on and typed something, but can't be bothered to start again and retype it all? Use this simple ConvertSentenceCase tool to auto fix most of the text formatting issues.
    • WebPageHTMLAnalyzer HTML Tag analysis tool. WebPageHTMLAnalyzer HTML Tag analysis tool help webmasters analyze their web pages. This search engine optimization tool analyze not only the Meta Tags but try to use the similar spider technology as the search engines spiders them self.
    • PHPScriptNet Portable application to run PHP Script from windows. PHPScriptNet Great portable application for those who learning PHP. PHPScriptNet can run your PHP script anywhere in Windows machine without installing PHP or any webserver.

    Webmaster Tools

    • Get Server Headers for a Webpage. GetHTTPHeader tool check your server to make sure the proper HTTP Status Codes (200, 301, 302, 304, 307, 404, 410) are being returned in the server headers.
    • Find HTML Color Values. Using this program you can create hexadecimal color codes as regular HTML tags or CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
    • Fonts Box - font viewer application. This simple font viewer application display fonts in given size with your own text. This tool helps you to decide which font style and size good for your layouts.

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